For the Capital Football Women's Football Strategy click here. The two page summary of the Women's Football Strategy is below.
There are many events held throughout the year to support the growth and development of the women's game. Maybe one of those is something that may interest you. When you become an ally for women, you empower them as well as experience your own personal growth. Join us on the journey.
There is no one size fits all advice on how to be the ally we need. Just as there are an unlimited number of personalities, there are an unlimited number of helpful behaviours. I'll ask some women what we need and place that feedback here...
Sometimes when a woman is the only one present to represent all other women, we are shy or quiet, not wanting to interrupt what is often a well practiced skip through the agenda items to come to the end quickly. An ally ensures our opinion is heard by requesting it. If it is a room full of women who know each other, opinions flow freeeeeeeeeeeeely.
Women's Football Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand
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